Welcome to 
a paradoxically most ancient while also amongst the most modern of places on earth !
Mahatma Yoga


Preface                                                                         1
Dedications                                                                   7
Acknowledgements                                                      8

1. Whence Mahatma Yoga? `                                        11

2. Hinduism: 
        The Well-Spring of Gandhiji's Spirituality     23

3. Spiritual Eclecticism:  
        Gandhiji's Approach to Religion                       37

4. Gandhiji's Interpretation of Hinduism                 51

5. Principles of Action and Liberation: 
        Karma and Moksha                                              62

6. Four Personality Types: 
        Varnaashrama Dharma                                       66

7. Royal Path to Salvation: 
        Raaja Yoga                                                          96

8. Non-Violence: 
        The Path of Ahimsa                                          107     

9. Truth: 
        Adherence to Sathya                                       135     

10. Means and Ends: 
        Karma  and Karma -Phala                                 144

11. The Final Reckoning                                          159
12. And Yet, a Mahatma!                                           174

Notes                                                                        180
Additional Material                                                182

Author                                                                      183

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